Wednesday 10 June 2009

The Multidimensional Universe

In Quantum physics the role of observer has become more important than in other paradigms of physics. In Newtonian physics, the observer had no role to play, the universe operated without him like a machine governed by mechanical deterministic forces. In Einsteinium physics, the observer creeped in the theory of relativity, with Einstein showing that space and time appear differently to different observer frame of references, but again reduced this to physical variables like space-time, gravity, energy. Then Schrodinger came along with his famous cat in the box thought experiment and showed that no possibility is manifest without an observer to make an observation. Prior to the observation the cat in the box is both alive and dead, and thus exists in a super positioned state of possibility. This superposition state is not collapsed until somebody opens the box and finds out whether the cat is alive or dead. What Schrodinger was trying to show that light exists as probability wave function, until the observer collapses the wave function by observing it, leading to it appearing as a particle. Prior to this collapsing light was both a particle and wave. It was later shown by quantum physicists like Bell that Schrodinger's thought experiment was true, and even minuscule quantum effects like the spin-state of an electron does not change without an observation. All things are therefore observer dependent.

The implications of the (re)introduction of the observer into the physical world would make the universe very strange, the implications of which Einstein did not want to accept. Such things as particles being in two places at the same time, particles interacting faster than the speed of light outside of space and time, and particles being holographic projections are today common themes in quantum physics and popular science and thus have great appeal to new age religion and spirituality. I am sure most of heard of the new age adage, "You create your own reality" If it follows that reality is observer dependent, then it means that the observer has the power to manifest their own reality.

Of course, one is in danger of falling into crude idealism with such philosophy. If I can really create my own reality, then does it mean if I believe the moon is made out of cheese, that it really will become cheese? If I wanted to manifest a thunderstorm, can I simply just will it into existence? Such objections to idealism are common. Quantum idealism also has its critics such as Neil Bohr and the Copenhagen interpretation of Schrodinger's physics. The Copenhagen interpretation basically says that the observer only affects quantum phenomena, and not the phenomena in the real world. The problem with this is all course if the real world is based on the quantum world, then changes affected in the quantum world, should affect the real world as well.

Is there a way out of this quantum idealism? Yes, there is, the answer is string theory. I predict string theory is going to be the future of physics and will bring about a completely new paradigm of thinking about the world. What does string theory say? According to String theory the universe is multidimensional, consisting of 11 dimensions interpenetrating one another, of which 4 dimensions are known and perceptible and 7 which are not. It is made up of not atoms, but vibrating string of energy, and the various vibrations appear to us as various worlds. String theory does have some very interesting philosophical and spiritual implications. It is possible for other dimensions and lifeforms to exist of higher energy density and thus rendering spiritual realms and spiritual life forms as a physical possibility. The reason we cannot perceive these dimensions is because our range of sensitivity or awareness is limited only to the 4D world of space-time, but this does not mean, and I know now that it is true, that our sensitivity ends at 4D. In fact, our sensitivity extends across all 11 dimensions, and we can become aware of other dimensions as well.

Many have heard of people who see spirits and receive communications from spirits. They will also have heard of people who have had Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, and can willfully project out of their body into other planes of reality. I know that society has a tendency to scoff at these people, but in future physics this will no longer be the case. This phenomenon is widely prevalent in the world across all cultures and periods and today significant and positive peer-reviewed scientific evidence exists to corroborate them. I myself have had personal experiences of sensing these other dimensions at times and thus why I can confidently attest that they do exist and anybody can detect them. In the future maybe technology will also be available to detect them.

In spirituality these 7 hidden dimensions are known as the astral planes or the astral world which we routinely enter when we dream. In these 7 levels the laws of space and time are relative and differ from level to level. This basically means that time is flowing at different speeds at each level.
In the dream world, time is flowing faster than the waking world. In the waking world if you think of something, to manifest it requires more time than it does in the dream world. For example, if I want to go to the shop to buy something in waking it requires time to get there, in dream if I want to go to the stop, I am already there as soon as I have thought of it.
This in turn is mirrored on the physical level. On the quantum level events are taking place rapidly, but on the solid level they are taking place slowly and this gives us an illusion of solidity.

The philosophy of time or temporal philosophy is of great interest to me and I will cover this in more detail at a later date, for now all that needs to be understand is that the universe is multidimensional and consists of several levels and at each level space-time is different. So what is the role of the observer in this? Recall that the according to QM reality is observer-dependent, but as shown it is not true that we can change the physical world through mere thought, does this mean reality is independent of the observer? Instead it means that reality is observer-dependent-reflective, the observer is observing a reality, but how that reality is reflected back to the observer is dependent on how the observer accesses it.

Observer - Object

When the observer observes the object in a certain way it communicates a signal to the object, which then sends a signal back to the observer and the observer sees the object reflected dependent on how it observes it. A crude example could be seeing the object with red lens, the red lens would interact with the object and the object will appear red. Thus how we access reality is how that reality is reflected back to us. This is not quite like the "we create our own reality" paradigm. We are not creating reality, we are simply observing it. This is sure to offend many of a new age spiritual temper, so-called lightworkers, who swear by this paradigm and genuinely think if they think positive, positive things will happen in the world. Instead, whether think positive or negative, the things which are going to happen in the world are outside of their control. You could be the most positive person in the world, and still be a hit by a bus. The key difference between the old idealist paradigms and the new paradigm of the multidimensional universe is that you can choose the way in which you want to access the reality of something. A Tsunami that kills hundreds of thousands can be seen in one way as a catastrophic event, seen on another level, as nothing more than a perturbation in the field of reality. The boss firing you can be seen as a personal failure, seen on another level, as an opportunity for new experience.

How we access the world is based on our conditional reality. The external assumptions we make, beliefs and attitudes is what determines the way in which we access the world, and thereby how the world will appear to us. This is where we take our lead to start a completely new kind of physics, because empirical physics has reached its limits. All it needed to do was indicate the observer, and now that it has, it is redundant. New physics must now begin from the observer itself and scientifically investigate the observers inner-world to reveal the true outer world. This is what I call observational physics and this will be the topic I will explore in later posts.

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